#EXCLUSIVE: Entertainment Tonight Has a New Producer!

In my Vlog a few weeks back…I mentioned that January would be a month of change for me and it definitely was. It has been a dream of mine since I was a little kid to be in the wonderful world of entertainment news in some way, shape or form. Growing up, I fixated on shows like Entertainment Tonight, E! News, ABC Red Carpet, Access Hollywood…really anything with a red carpet interview caught my eye. I would watch the anchors on screen and think, “Wow…If only I had the courage to be a woman like that. I could never interview that celebrity…How scary!”

Some how, along the road of life, I ended up where I always dreamed of being. Though at first it wasn’t the exact place I had seen in my glamorous dreams, I knew it was an "in" and also a way to really dig my hands in and learn the world of entertainment. Thank you Dax for giving me that opportunity.

As time went on at my first gig, I felt the need for a change, a change to something a little more me. So I started searching and with the help of a friend and quite a few interviews later, I finally got the interview I’d been waiting almost four months (and basically all of my adult life/childhood) for. The interview was at Entertainment Tonight. 

Entertainment Tonight! The entertainment news show and website of all entertainment news shows/sites! I couldn't believe it and kept asking myself "what is life?!”. The interview went awesome and I got a call about two weeks later with an offer (Eeeek!). They offered me a position as a Freelance Producer for ETonline (the online version of Entertainment Tonight). Ahhh *INITIATE FREAKOUT HERE*. So last week was my first week and I am going on my second week there — I am on cloud 9! It is uncharted territory, I’m not completely familiar with, but fear stems from the unknown and I plan to know everything I can about this position. Thank you to everyone who helped me get to this dream job. I just wanted to let all of you know as I have been dying to yell it from the roof top for the last couple of weeks!  

I’ll keep you posted on updates as to what I’m doing once I’ve gotten into the groove. Though I'm starting this new adventure, I'll still be keeping up with my YouTube Channel as well as this blog -- I'm going to do it all because it's what I love to do. 

Always, always, always, follow your dreams!